中英对照: INTRO: It doesn’t matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M 不管你是爱上了他 还是含蓄地说你爱上了他 Just put your paws up 我只要你把你的爪子挥舞起来 ’cause you were Born This Way, Baby 宝贝 因为我们生来如此 VERSE: My mama told me when I was young 当我还年轻时 我的妈妈曾告诉我 We are all born superstars 我们都是天生的巨星 She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on 在她梳妆台的镜子前 In the glass of her boudoir 她卷起了我的头发 并给我抹上了口红 “There’s nothing wrong with lovin’ who you are” "爱上你自己并没有什么错" She said, “‘Cause he made you perfect, babe” 她告诉我 "我的孩子啊, 上帝造物, 天生完美" “So hold your head up girl and you’ll go far, "所以要把头昂起来, 去踏遍千山万水" Listen to me when I say” "你要记住我的这句话" CHORUS: I’m beautiful in my way 我有我独特的美 ‘Cause God makes no mistakes 因为上帝之手没有瑕疵 I’m on the right track baby 我正前进于正轨 宝贝 I was Born This Way 我天生如此 Don’t hide yourself in regret 不要把自己封锁在懊悔之中 Just love yourself and you’re set 你要学会爱上自己 你就是最棒的 I’m on the right track baby 我正大步前进于光明之路 宝贝 I was Born This Way 我天生如此 POST-CH。